Author Signature Regulations

Regulations on Author Attribution by the LIS Press Co., Ltd.

To further enhance the standards of author attribution and uphold scientific integrity and publishing ethics, the LIS Press Co., Ltd. (including both journals of Library and Information Service and Knowledge Management Forum) has established the following rules regarding author attribution, based on national academic publishing norms and the specific practices of our journals:

The first author is the primary contributor to the paper, having made the most significant contributions to the academic ideas, research content, drafting, and revisions of the manuscript.

A corresponding author may be designated if necessary. The corresponding author is equally important as the first author and holds the primary responsibility for the academic quality of the paper. If no corresponding author is designated, the first author assumes this role without the need to be explicitly labeled as such.

The journal does not accept the designation of co-first authors or co-corresponding authors.

An individual may not be listed as the first author on more than four papers in the journal within a single year.

For a set of thematic papers (3 and above, in principle not exceeding 6), an individual can be credited as an author on a maximum of three papers, with no more than two of those papers listing them as the first author.

These regulations are effective immediately on a trial basis.
LIS Press Co., Ltd.
September 2nd, 2024

Pubdate: 2024-09-02    Viewed: 1846