The Influence and Thinking of the Current Collection and Selection Mechanism on the Quality of Collection

  • Cai Yingchun
  • Shanghai Normal University Library, Shanghai 200234

Received date: 2018-08-03

  Revised date: 2018-11-16

  Online published: 2019-05-05


[Purpose/significance] This paper makes a deep analysis of the causes of the current collection and selection mechanism and its influence on the quality of the collection of books, and puts forward a three-level control solution based on the current collection and selection mechanism to improve the quality of the collection of books in the library.[Method/process] This paper analyzes the current publishing situation of books and the sources of available bibliographies, explores the deep reasons for the influence of the change of collection and selection mechanism on the quality of books, and puts forward that the collection and selection of documents should not only follow certain principles and adopt professional methods, but also ensure the quality of collection and selection through the accumulation of experience, so as to meet the needs of library service objects. And in a mature selection model, we need to rely on the system and experience, from the content and quality of books to check.[Result/conclusion] Under the current collection and selection mechanism, the quality of collection and selection can be controlled by the three-level control system of "librarian selection-expert control-chief librarian audit". The librarians and experts are mainly responsible for checking the content quality of the collection, while the chief librarian is mainly responsible for checking the structure of the collection for quality control and improvement.

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Cai Yingchun . The Influence and Thinking of the Current Collection and Selection Mechanism on the Quality of Collection[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019 , 63(9) : 31 -37 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.09.004


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