[Purpose/significance] Based on the Reciprocal Determinism Theory, this paper studies the relationship among student learning behavior, organizational environment and individual traits in the course of information retrieval in flipped classroom. [Method/process] By combing and summarizing the relevant research results, pre-survey and expert survey, behavior measurement scale is formed on students’ classroom participation. Factor analysis is used to extract the key variables, and the structural equation modeling method is used to explore the influence mechanism of individual identity, organizational guarantee, organizational identity and classroom design on learning behavior. [Result/conclusion] The findings are as follows: individual characteristics, organizational identity and organizational guarantee variables as front factors influence each other; organizational identity and individual characteristics not only directly affect classroom design, but also play an active and significant role in learning behavior through classroom design. The author thinks it is necessary to improve the information literacy of undergraduates through such measures as perfecting the supporting environment, promoting students’ independent study, optimizing classroom design and strengthening extracurricular practices.
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