[Purpose/significance] Public cultural services have multiple relationships in supply and demand. Simplifying and optimizing these relationships can improve the effectiveness of supply and demand of public cultural services. [Method/process] Thus, this paper applies the new public governance theory combined with the practice of public cultural service construction in China for developing the supply and demand relationship of public cultural services in triple dimensions, including the re-construction of the relationship, the value relationship and the docking relationship between suppliers and demanders. [Result/conclusion] The main function of the three reconstruction structure of supply and demand, is to optimize public cultural services, and the structural relationship is hierarchical and progressive, the internal logic is service-oriented logic, and the basic main line is joint governance.
Chunyu Miaoling
Li Chunyan
Lan Qingqing
. The Triple Construction of Supply and Demand Relationship of Public Cultural Service Based on the Perspective of New Public Governance[J]. Library and Information Service, 2019
, 63(3)
: 38
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2019.03.005
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