[Purpose/significance] This paper presents the collaboration model of crowdsourcing research projects, to provide theoretical guidance and action guidelines for the development of collaborative research in China under open environment.[Method/process] This paper analyzed the collaborative process of the Crowd Research project from four-aspects,including the recruitment of public participants, synchronous collaboration, the submission of research results, and the production of academic results. The key steps of each part were described and some implications for the development of crowdsourcing research projects in China were summarized.[Result/conclusion] This paper finds that Crowd Research has developed a new type of collaboration model of crowdsourcing research based on the crowdsourcing technology, in which public scientists can collaborate in the research process under the leadership of professional researchers, including independent selection of milestones, peer review submissions, mutual assignment of contribution values, co-publishing academic papers, etc.
Kou Leilei
Zhu Zhongming
Bai Linlin
. Exploring the Collaborative Mode of Crowdsourcing Research Project: A Case Study of Crowd Research[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(22)
: 146
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.22.018
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