[Purpose/significance] Pricing, edition, publishing, selling and customer experiences of best selling ebooks in JD.com were analyzed for the aim to discover and identify general characteristics and differences of best sellers in ebooks.[Method/process] The Web crawler was employed to collect information of firt 60 best selling ebooks in 7 different categories. The information involved include price of ebooks, price of paperbook, cost of paper book, file format and size, number and text of comments. Some methods, such as descriptive statistics and text mining, were used to study pricing strategies, sales quantity,text format and user experience of best selling ebooks.[Result/conclusion] Many ebooks are sold in lower price than paperbooks, but there are a little difference between different categories, which the professional ebooks' price are higher than popular ebooks. There are some differences between ebooks and paperbooks on audiences, the positive relationship is not significant between ebooks and paperbooks. The EPUB and PDF are the main text format, they have no obvious difference in customer acceptance. The consumers' comments, which contain user experience, focus on satisfaction, price and handling.
Lei Bing
Zhong Zhen
. Research on Distribution Characteristics of Best Selling eBooks on B2C Store and Their Customer Reviews of Experience: A Case Study of JD.com[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(21)
: 53
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.21.007
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