[Purpose/significance]This paper studied how to efficiently use the seat resources of libraries, and proposed low cost and easy to maintain technologies for seat resource management. The existing approaches are mainly based on deploying related hardware and software systems. Such methods are expensive, difficult to maintain, and with poor user experience.[Method/process] With the help of mobile crowdsourcing, the paper used technologies such as indoor location and context aware, and proposed a seat resources management technique framework. The system was realized using wechat application and evaluated under real situations.[Result/conclusion] The result showed that the technology has low cost and easy to deploy, and great progress has been made for the problem of efficiently using the seat resources of libraries.
Song Yunyun
. Research on Monitoring Technologies of Library Seating Resources Using Mobile Crowdsourcing[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(21)
: 46
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.21.006
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