Analysis of User Influence and Identification of Key Opinion Leaders Based on Zhihu Platform

  • Guo Bo ,
  • Xu Haodi ,
  • Lei Shuiwang
  • 1. Meizu Telecom Equipment Co., Ltd. Beijing 100872;
    2. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 999077;
    3. Xuzhou College of Industrial Technology Library, Xuzhou 221140

Received date: 2018-03-28

  Revised date: 2018-07-19

  Online published: 2018-10-20


[Purpose/significance] With the rapid development of network technology, the platform of Zhihu has become a significant carrier to discuss social public topics and share knowledge as well as specified experience. Therefore, it is of importance for studying the communication channels of social network information to investigate the influence of key users and dig out the key opinion leaders in the Zhihu platform.[Method/process] By the means of improved PageRank and HITS algorithms, this study constructed a model for evaluating user influence based on the social network and question answering network of Zhihu platform, and identified the key users and opinion leaders accurately and objectively.[Result/conclusion] The experimental results show that PageRank and HITS algorithms in this paper could effectively extract several key opinion leaders with prominent features in Zhihu platform, the speed of the convergence is fast and with high reusability and mobility. By processing and analyzing the user data set of Zhihu platform, we successfully build a model for evaluating the user influence and mining key opinion leaders. Along with the verification of specified topics, it can be inferred that this model has enormous application value and commercial promotion prospect.

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Guo Bo , Xu Haodi , Lei Shuiwang . Analysis of User Influence and Identification of Key Opinion Leaders Based on Zhihu Platform[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018 , 62(20) : 122 -132 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.20.014


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