[Purpose/significance] The indexes of evaluating literature influence continue to innovate, but a lot of indexes are lack of assessment of the literature influence on the topic level. Aimed to solve this problem, this paper presents a method based on the research topic.[Method/process] This paper chooses 500 highly cited literature as samples which attribute to the field of information science in the Web of Science database. LDA model is used to model the literature subject. The support of the topic of the literature is combined with the cited frequency to compute the specific topic cited frequency(STCF). We rank the literature according to the STCF value of each document in the corresponding subject.[Result/conclusion] The empirical research shows that STCF value reflects the subject content, the subject diversity, and the academic status of literature. This method effectively compensates for the shortage of the cited frequency and Altmetrics index to evaluate the literature impact.
Li Xiuxia
Song Kai
. STCF Value: A New Index to Evaluate the Academic Literature Influence Based on Research Topic[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(20)
: 88
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.20.010
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