[Purpose/significance] This paper summarizes and analyzes the meaning, type, responsibility and ability quality requirements of foreign personal data protection officers in theory, and provides academic analysis and suggestions for the application of China's practical field. [Method/process] The origin and meaning of personal data protection officers are examined through literature backtracking. Based on the KSAO model and the ability model of Yang and Chapman, this paper sums up the responsibility system and ability quality requirements of foreign personal data protection officers from the perspective of risk management, referring to the recruitment bulletins of the personal data protection officer in the Linkedin and the related professional specifications of US O*NET system. [Result/conclusion] At present, there are various types of personal data protection officers abroad, including business type and consultant type. From the perspective of risk management, the personal data protection officer takes on the important responsibilities of the privacy legal risk management and control. In order to complete these responsibilities, the personal data protection officer needs relevant privacy legal knowledge, information analysis knowledge and so on, needs the abilities of being sensitivity to problem, solving problem and good communication, and needs to be able to pay attention to details and adapt to the complex and rapid working.
Wan Ling
. The Concept, Responsibility and Ability of Personal Data Protection Officer Abroad[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(17)
: 129
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.17.016
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