[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to get enlightenment of licensed risk prevention in China on the risk aversion principle of Licensing digital resources made by European copyright user platform. [Method/process] Licensing digital resources have made the risk tips to monopoly advantage of licensor, statutory exception, licensing rights, contract terms nonstandard and dispute solution. Licensing digital resources takes a series of effective control measures and refines the writing standard of license to avoid the risk clause of monopoly that created by copyright holder, and provide reference for library to avoid legal traps. [Result/conclusion] In order to avoid legal pitfalls in digital resources license agreement rationally. China should strengthen the awareness of anti-monopoly rights, develop the legal risk prompt framework for the use of digital resource licensing agreement, and apply Chinese law to the jurisdiction of the Chinese courts.
Yang Chao
Shi Shuying
Zhang Jing
. Legal Risk Prompt and Evasion of Digital Resource License: Interpretation of Licensing Digital Resources by ECUP[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(17)
: 20
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.17.003
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