Research on Operation Mode of Shenzhen Library Makerspace

  • Xie Shoumei ,
  • Nie Wen ,
  • Zhao Wenjun
  • 1. Library of South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074;
    2. Wuhan Sanatorium of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, Wuhan 430074;
    3. Key Laboratory of Hunan Province for New Retail Virtual Reality Technology, Hunan University of Commerce, Changsha 410205

Received date: 2018-01-29

  Revised date: 2018-04-25

  Online published: 2018-08-20


[Purpose/significance] This paper takes Shenzhen Library makerspace's series of activities as an example, and explores the operation mode of public library makerspace, to provide theoretical guidance and method reference for other public libraries.[Method/process] This paper studies the service orientation, service object, service support, service content, cooperation mode and management mechanism of Shenzhen library makerspace, and explores the operation mode of public library makerspace.[Result/conclusion] Public library makerspace develops maker education and services, should clearly identify service orientation and provide precise services, integrate STEAM education and set up interdisciplinary curriculum system, and introduce social capital to promote PPP mode.

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Xie Shoumei , Nie Wen , Zhao Wenjun . Research on Operation Mode of Shenzhen Library Makerspace[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018 , 62(16) : 22 -27 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.16.003


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