[Purpose/significance] The basic meanings and conception framework of user-centered library service are summarized and discussed, to promote user-centeredness as the fundamental principle of library service.[Method/process] Imitating the heliocentric theory and geocentric theory in the astronomy, the place and function of "user" and "service" in the survival and development of libraries are expounded and analyzed from user-centered idea, user-centered practice, and strengthening user service capability.[Result/conclusion] The user-centered library service idea must be established and practiced. Meanwhile, library service capability and core competitive force must be improved. The core competitive force is not resource, but service, even more knowledge service. Service is the foundation of the founding, cornerstone of development, origin of innovation, and path of survival for a library.
Chu Jingli
Qin Xiaoyan
. From “Geocentric Theory” to “Heliocentric Theory”——The Transformation from Library-centered to User-centered[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(13)
: 5
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.13.001
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