[Purpose/significance] Effective reveal and maintenance of electronic journals in Tsinghua University Library is introduced, which is valuable for peers to improve the service quality of electronic journals.[Method/process] Based on analyzing the necessity of reveal and maintenance of electronic journals, the exploration and practice of electronic journals' reveal and maintenance in Tsinghua University Library is summed up from six aspects:adjustment of post set, standardizing the reveal and maintenance process, establishment of effective error correction mechanism, participation in the construction of knowledge base, and carrying out publicity and training of electronic journals. The utilization and analysis of electronic journals is also discussed.[Result/conclusion] Although the reveal and maintenance of electronic journals is difficult, it has rules to follow. Only when librarians study and practice consistently and improve the completeness and accuracy of electronic journals can they effectively meet users' needs.
Wu Lina
Jia Yanxia
Yang Hui
Zhang Bei
. New Ideas and Practices on Effective Reveal and Maintenance of Electronic Journals[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(12)
: 46
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.12.006
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