[Purpose/significance] This paper aims to explore the internal mechanism and pattern of open &sharing government data (OSGD), and provide references for improving government data management policy, and promoting trans-boundary integration, and generating incremental data revenue and greater public value.[Method/process] Using questionnaire survey, in-depth interview and other research methods, this paper designed scale system and analyzed empirically. On the basis of verification of related variables, the paper construct a multi-party cooperative model of OSGD based on cross boundary integration, and explained this model.[Result/conclusion] There is a significant correlation among platform, data, mechanism and performance output. At this stage, we should improve the unified platform of OSGD, innovate the data management based on the whole life cycle of the data, in order to realize the data trans-boundary integration, and lay the foundation for promoting the opening and sharing of the government data and the development of "data driven".
Zhao Shukuan
Sun Yanming
Zhang Fujun
Li Xia
. Research on the Model of Open & Sharing Government Data Based on Trans-boundary Integration[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(12)
: 21
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.12.003
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