[Purpose/significance] With the analysis of the existing library records and mining of the reading relevance of books, this paper discusses the effective methods to identify high-quality professional books and implement a personalized recommendation service. [Method/process] This paper introduces the iterative algorithm of recognizing high-quality professional books from links of books relevance based on reading relevance. Then the construction of reader personalized profile is discussed based on the definition of links of book categories. The design and implementation of long-term and short-term personalized recommendation methods are also proposed. [Result/conclusion] In the aspect of book quality identification, it is easier to identify the professional books resources with higher quality. This application is more flexible and also can identify the high-quality professional books within the collection of specific books. It is found that whether long-term or short-term interest interest recommendation method, the average hit degree of users with higher lending is higher than users with lower lending. In the group of users with higher lending, the average hit degree of short-term interest recommendation method in the highest similarity range (more than 75%) and lower similarity range(15% to 50%) is higher than the long-term interest recommendation method.
Li Shuqing
Zhuang Guangguang
Qing Jiahang
Xu Xia
. The Method of Measuring the Professional Quality of Books and Personalized Book Recommendation Service in Circulating Scene[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(11)
: 53
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.11.006
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