[Purpose/significance] Academic pedigree promotes science development by the way of knowledge inheritance. It is of great reference value to study the characteristics of knowledge transmission and explore the effect of inheritance model on academic output, and it is of great reference value for the relevant departments to find out the law of talent growth and formulate scientific and technological personnel training policy.[Method/process] By the method of LDA topic model, this paper took the journal literature of genetics published in CNKI database as research object, and quoted the concept of "hereditary" and "variation" in biology. Then, according to the topic similarity, we divided pedigree members into "hereditary scholars", "variation scholars" and "non-hereditary non-variation scholars", and analyzed the academic performance of these three kinds of scholars.[Result/conclusion] The results show that the academic performance of "hereditary scholars" and "variation scholars" in the academic pedigree of Tan Jiazhen is relatively high; The number of "non-hereditary non-variation scholars" is the largest, but their academic performance is relatively low; For different topics, the distribution of "variation scholars" and "hereditary scholars" is significantly different.
Liu Junwan
Yang Bo
Wang Feifei
Xu Shuo
. Research on Knowledge Inheritance of Academic Pedigree Based on LDA Topic Model——A Case Study of Genetics Pedigree with the Core of Tan Jiazhen[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(10)
: 76
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.10.011
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