[Purpose/significance]To satisfy the needs of new generation for information retrieval (IR)systems, the article proposes a module-based theoretical model of gamification IR system. This model aims to achieve multiple goals, including stimulating users' interest in IR systems, supporting users' information searching and interaction as well as continuous use.[Method/process]Based on the basic theory, relevant framework and element action mechanism of gamification, the article combined different game elements. Then, according to the relationships between game elements and related rules, it designed modules with specific functions that game elements can be applied to the non-game situation.[Result/conclusion]In order to establish the theoretical model of game information retrieval system, we selected twenty game elements and combined them according to their functions. Then, we designed twelve types of game modules, including five simple modules and seven compound modules. These modules make IR systems have the game function. Both construct ideas and theoretical models make up the deficiency of research in the field of gamification IR, and pave a way for the development of gamified IR systems and further related studies.
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