[Purpose/significance] This paper explores the method of text clustering in the science and technology reports based on the topic model, develops new scientific literature technology monitoring areas, and puts forward a new semantic analysis method based on science and technology reports. [Method/process] Based on the national science and technology report service system, firstly, it conducted topic mining based on the LDA model after the text preprocessing; secondly, a clustering analysis based on the combination of K-means and Ward was carried out based on the text vector of the abstract containing theme distribution information. A proper text clustering method for the text mining suitable for the science and technical report was proposed. [Result/conclusion] The experimental results show that the LDA model can be effectively and accurately used in the topic mining of science and technology reports, and the clustering effect of the combination of Ward and K-means proposed in this paper is better than that of other traditional clustering algorithms in science and technology reports.
Qu Jingye
Chen Zhen
Zheng Yanning
. Research on the Text Clustering Method of Science and Technology Reports Based on the Topic Model[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(4)
: 113
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.04.015
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