[Purpose/significance]This paper aims to investigate the research behavior of university researchers in the new media environment and analyze the characteristics of scientific research information behavior of university researchers in the new media environment to provide suggestions and countermeasures for the knowledge and information service providers.[Method/process]We constructed the characteristic model of scientific research information behavior in the new media environment, then selected the university researchers as the survey sample and used the questionnaire survey method to investigate the using situation of research information resources, the research information acquisition behavior, the research information digestion behavior, the research information tracking behavior, the scientific research information exchange behavior and scientific research information service. This paper verified the characteristic model of scientific research information behavior in the new media environment.[Result/conclusion]The researchers have higher dependence on the information resources of the new media, the highest preference for the electronic journals and the quality of the information resources; the methods of the scientific research information acquisition behavior are diversified; the characteristics of scientific research information digestion behavior are fragmented; the method of the scientific research information tracking behavior is traditional and single; new media platforms become the main ways of the scientific research information exchange behavior; the scientific research information service needs are personalized. In addition to the scientific research information tracking behavior, the characteristics of scientific research information behavior model in the new media environment constructed by this paper are verified.
Yang Gang
Yuan Gongming
Xu Yunying
. Analysis of Behavior and Characteristics of Scientific Research Information in the New Media Environment[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(3)
: 78
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.03.010
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