[Purpose/significance] Automatic identification and extraction of research design fingerprint from scientific papers is able to provide researchers with significant methodology and research support for project design, validity evaluation of research methods, problem diagnosis of research process and identification and evaluation of research results.[Method/process]The paper, based on the concept model of research design fingerprint in scientific papers, proposes amulti-rule hybrid machine learning methods to design and implement the fingerprint identification algorithm model and analyze and verify the feasibility and validity of the methodby sample data in the field of datamining.[Result/conclusion] The results show that in addition to the research data and research trends, the recognition accuracy of other research design fingerprint is almost 80%. And the acceptance of coverage, in addition to research tools and research data, is almost 80%.
Qian Li
Zhang Xiaolin
Wang Qian
. Building and Implement on Automatic Identification Method of Research Design Fingerprint of Scientific Papers[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(2)
: 135
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.02.018
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