[Purpose/significance] The conventional rule of the scientific productivity time series of research output is based on the overall average output of the researchers. Is the rule behalf of all rules of the individual's output? The question is not only the important content of scientific researchrule study but also the important content of science policy evaluation.[Method/process] The study object of the empirical analysis is the national science foundation for distinguished young scholars of the earth science project, and the method is piecewise linear regression model.[Result/conclusion] The results show that the overall output rules are not consistent with the individual output rules, and about 31.7% of all the individual output rules are not consistent with the overall output rules.The model can be used to the scientific policy evaluation which can accurate the scientific evaluation in scientists individual.
Tian Renhe
Zhang Zhiqiang
Gao Zhi
. The Research of Individual Scientific Research Output Based on Piecewise Linear Regression Model——Empirical Study Based on the National Science Funds of Earth Science Project for Distinguished Young Scholar[J]. Library and Information Service, 2018
, 62(1)
: 106
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2018.01.014
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