[Purpose/significance]Social question & answering community (Q&A) is one of important virtual space to access information. It is critical to establish and keep a high quality information resources generation mechnism for Q&A community development.[Method/process]Based on the interactive data of Baidu Knows, and by the method of correlation and regression analysis, the relationship between users and resources,users'behaviors of generating resources, and influence factors are analyzed.[Result/conclusion]The research results show that the factors such as the type of question, media, and anonymous have the significant impact on the users' participating behaviors of generating resources,And there is a significant correlation between users' related variables and resources quality.Establishing and improving the mechanism of user identification and incentive are of great significance for the community to improve the quality of the resources.
Yuan Yi
Yang Li
. Users' Behavior of Generating Resources and Influence Factors in the Q&A Community:Evidence from Baidu Knowns[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(22)
: 20
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.22.003
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