[Purpose/significance] In order to comprehensively evaluate the academic quality of single paper, this paper inherits the idea of p-index, and puts forward the pq-index of single paper based on the citation literature, and the pc-index of single paper based on the reference literature and citation literature. [Method/process] Taking the published paper data of 2013 in the field of library and information science as an example, this paper verified the evaluation effect of pq-index and pc-index. [Result/conclusion] It is found that in the measurement of the academic quality of single paper, the pq-index not only inherits the advantage of h-index and the academic trace, but also superior to h-index and the academic trace in terms of numerical differentiation and computational complexity. The pc-index also combines the reference literature and citation literature in a rating system. It not only has the performance of pq-index, h-index, the academic trace, but also provides a new perspective for single paper evaluation methods, which has a comprehensive advantage of evaluating the content quality and the academic influence of academic papers.
Liu Yunmei
Li Changling
Feng Zhigang
Liu Xiaohui
. Discussion of Improved p-index Evaluating the Academic Quality of Single Paper[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(21)
: 106
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.21.013
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