Study on the Influence Factors Models of Knowledge Transfer in the Industry-University-Research Collaborative Innovation Team

  • Liu Chunyan ,
  • Ma Haiqun
  • School of Information Management, Heilongjiang University, Harbin 150080

Received date: 2017-02-27

  Revised date: 2017-07-31

  Online published: 2017-10-05


[Purpose/significance] The main influence factors of knowledge transfer in the Industry-University-Research(I-U-R) collaborative innovation team are identified and the influence factors models of knowledge transfer are built in order to increase the efficiency of knowledge transfer and promote the I-U-R collaborative innovation ability.[Method/process]Based on the team effectiveness theory, and with the I-U-R collaborative innovation team as the research object, and using the method of qualitative research, the influence factors "I-P-O" model of knowledge transfer is built. Then by the scientific definitions of variable research dimensions, an influence factors conceptual model of knowledge transfer is established. In the end, through path analysis between various influence factors, an influence factors relationship model of knowledge transfer is formed.[Result/conclusion]The influence factors model of knowledge transfer in the I-U-R collaborative innovation team is constructed including 9 independent variable which are made up of transfer willingness, output ability, study ability, prior knowledge, knowledge fuzziness, channel richness, trust level, system synergy and government policy, 2 intervening variables which are made up of communication quality and innovation support, and 2 dependent variables which are made up of knowledge sharing degree and knowledge absorptive capacity.

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Liu Chunyan , Ma Haiqun . Study on the Influence Factors Models of Knowledge Transfer in the Industry-University-Research Collaborative Innovation Team[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017 , 61(19) : 41 -49 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.19.005


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