[Purpose/significance] Based on the current various understandings of big data in S&T information field and how to use big data to provide better information service, application framework of big data about S&T information in information services is necessary, and it is beneficial to provide support for scientific and technical information service department under the big data environment.[Method/process] From the three core elements of data base, technology and application services, this paper explores the concept of big data on science and technology information, application in information services, and the big data intelligence technology.[Result/conclusion] First, big data in information technology is heterogeneous massive data about the elements of science and technology activities and their correlations; Second, technology of the big data in S&T information includes the multi-source fusion technology, detection technology of the demand and user portrait, attributes calculation and the scene technology, and knowledge extraction and ontology construction key technology calculation; Thirdly, intelligence services will shift from passive service to active service, from a single service to embedded services, and from the reference services extended to the decision to lead the service.
Hua Bolin
. Application of Big Data About Science and Technology Information in Intelligence Studies[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(16)
: 150
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.16.020
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