[Purpose/significance] Data source description or resource representation is a key issue of Deep Web Integrated Retrieval, as its quality has a direct impact on the retrieval efficiency and effectiveness of the Integrated Retrieval System. This paper proposes a data source description approach based on domain features and user query-based sampling, to provide reference for the related application and research on resources integration in the non-cooperate environment. [Method/process] The approach is a kind of offline sampling method with heterogeneity non-cooperate data. By analyzing the data source and its domain subject features, it constructs the domain feature word set, initial feature word set, and high frequency feature word set one by one, and obtains the data source description information by query-based sampling of high frequency feature words. Then the paper analyzes the calculating method of relevance between the query and data source descriptions based on inference network using CORI algorithms, designed and developed a Deep Web Integrated Retrieval system based on Lemur toolkit to test the effectiveness of the approach. [Result/conclusion] The Results show that this method achieves high performance at both recall and precision. Compared with other approaches, it has a distinct cost advantage and a good practical value in the automatic renew of data and operation and maintenance management.
Yuan Guohua
Kou Jingjing
Li Fang
. Data Source Description Approach for Deep Web Based on Domain Features and User Query-based Sampling[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(15)
: 138
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.15.016
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