[Purpose/significance] The paper constructs the comprehensive influence evaluation model of multidimensional indicators, and provides a new way for mining high value articles at different levels. [Method/process] This paperselected clinical neurology, chemistry, physics and geosciences as the representative of the natural sciences and selected information science and library science,economics and educational research as the representative of the social sciences.Then it collected the citation index data of the Web of Science and the metrological index data in Altmetric.com. The principal component analysis was used to establish the comprehensive influence model of academic papers. [Result/conclusion] Evaluation indicators of disciplines are different, the same indicators arethe citation frequency, Mendeley, Blogs. Academic influence occupies the main position in terms of paper evaluation, and research development on social influence is rapid. Last, the comprehensive influence of high articles can be mined by the combination of academic influence and social influence.
Wang Wenxia
Liu Chunli
. Study on the Differences of the Evaluation Model of Academic Papers Impact Between Different Domains[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(13)
: 108
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.13.013
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