[Purpose/significance]Using a mix method and taking WeChat in China as an example, this paper aims to explore the relationships among motivations and specific features usage in social media.[Method/process]This paper firstly analyzed WeChat users' motivations and features used by users via focus group interview; then collected 205 valid data though survey questionnaire and conducted regression analysis to test relationships among motivations and specific features. [Result/conclusion]The results show that, usage of different features is driven by different motivations, and factors affecting WeChat users' general use are different from those affecting specific usage. Specifically, entertainment significantly impacts the use of Group Chat, Comment and Share; passing time has a significant influence on the use of Moments, Comment and Like; social interaction significantly affects the use of Scan QR Code, Group Chat, Official Accounts and Voice Chat; information seeking significantly influences the use of Official Accounts and Scan QR Code; information sharing has a significant impact on the use of Message Send; self-expression significantly affects the use of Message Send, Locate, Shake and Share; and style has a significant influence on the use of Shake.
Gan Chunmei
. Understanding Motivations and Specific Features Usage in Social Media:An Empirical Study of WeChat[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(11)
: 106
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.11.013
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