[Purpose/significance]Core-periphery structure of knowledge networks can reveal the laws and models of tags hierarchy evolution. The detection has important significance for insight into hierarchical structure of knowledge organization in the open network environment.[Method/process]Under the guidance of network thinking, the domain knowledge networks are constructed based on the co-occurrence relationships between tags.According to the core-periphery structure analysis method, the evolution of the tags hierarchyon time series is tracked from the description of statistics, significant analysis, and rising/falling of tags hierarchy. [Result/conclusion] The results show that the tags hierarchy of core/peripherystructure changes with the development of domain knowledge, and gradually approaches stabilize. The rising and falling of tags hierarchy are mainly driven by knowledge cross-correlation and the relationships between core layer tags occupy a higher weight.These rules of hierarchy evolution help to grasp the structural features of the knowledge organizationin the folksonomy model, and help to promote positive role for revealing the knowledge cross-correlation and structural relations in the open network environment.
Liu Yashu
. Research on Hierarchical Structure Evolution of Tags Based on Knowledge Network[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(11)
: 13
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.11.002
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