Research on the Construction of Scientific Research Evaluation Index System in Universities

  • Gu Ping ,
  • Xia Xu ,
  • Wu Xueying ,
  • Bai Lu ,
  • Zhong Yongru
  • Southern Medical University Library, Guangzhou 510515

Received date: 2017-04-05

  Revised date: 2017-04-20

  Online published: 2017-05-05


[Purpose/significance]This paper effectively and scientifically evaluates various types of colleges and universities at different levels of scientific research input and output status, and conducts objective assessment, monitoring, management and incentives to provide a reference for management decision-making departments.[Method/process] This paper systematically retrieved and reviewed domestic and foreign scientific research literature about scientific evaluation, based on the existing domestic and foreign university scientific research evaluation systems. It initially constructed the basic index system of university scientific research evaluation which was suitable for our country's actual situation. After two rounds of Delphi expert consultation investigation, the index system has been built.[Result/conclusion] The university research evaluation index system can be carried out from two perspectives——the core index and the expansion index. In this way, different types of colleges and universities' objective, reasonable and cyclical evaluations can be taken to constantly promote the level of scientific research management and service.

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Gu Ping , Xia Xu , Wu Xueying , Bai Lu , Zhong Yongru . Research on the Construction of Scientific Research Evaluation Index System in Universities[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017 , 61(9) : 94 -101 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.09.012


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