[Purpose/significance]With the constantly evolving resource construction and circulation service, the reform of overdue fine policy of many libraries has drawn greater attention.The characteristics of readers' lending and overdue behavior, along with the policy reform direction should be considered based on the data analysis.[Method/process]By collecting lending data from the OPAC system and labeling manually, this study explored the characteristics of readers lending and overdue behavior. With the features extracted from the lending process, the paper depicted different reader group characteristics and proposed corresponding strategies to address these issues.[Result/conclusion]The high-frequency overdue readers always have specific behaviors such as books exceeding the time limit for an unusually long period, many books overdue at one time and occurred constantly, which would make matters worse.The constraining force and effect of overdue policy are different according to the service scenes. Making policies with data-based analysis and adopting new technology may be benefit for the reducing of overdue behavior.
Luo Xiaolan
Li Ming
Han Li
. Analysis of High-frequency Overdue Behavior of Readers[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(8)
: 15
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.08.002
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