[Purpose/significance] The academic assessment is of great significance to the academic ecosystem. From the perspectives of impact factors and Google scholar metrics, this paper aims at tracking the trends of the scholar metrics at home and abroad and discussing its possible directions of optimization.[Method/process] This paper firstly selected the top 50 Chinese and English publications ranked by h5-index and inquired their corresponding impact factors, analyzed and verified the relationship between h5-index and impact factors. Comparing the similarities, differences, advantages and disadvantages of Chinese and English publications in terms of discipline distribution, time coverage and statistical standards, this paper summarized the elements that should be considered in scholar metrics. Exploring new methods of scholar metrics from the dimension of subject and object under the network environment, this paper made the case study of Altmetrics, RCR, and PubPeer for their innovative scholar metrics practices.[Result/conclusion] The scholar metric is systematic and comprehensive, having strong association with scholarly publishing, communication, storage and usage. Scientific and rational scholar metrics are expected to be able to balance the quantity and quality, contents and forms of academic achievements and stand on a neutral side as well. Eventually, assessing the journals and individual researchers should be from multiple levels, multiple dimensions and all rounds.
Xu Guangkui
Tu Zhifang
. Comparative Research on Two Scholar Metrics: From the Perspectives of Journal Impact Factors and Google Scholar Metrics[J]. Library and Information Service, 2017
, 61(3)
: 109
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2017.03.014
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