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Research on Guarantee Mechanisms Construction of Domestic Government Open Data
Received date: 2016-08-11
Revised date: 2016-09-18
Online published: 2016-10-05
[Purpose/significance] In order to promote the open process of the government data in China, we have researched the guarantee mechanisms of domestic government open data. [Method/process] In this paper, first of all, the guarantee mechanisms in United States, United Kingdom, and India are introduced and analyzed; After that, the feasibility of cybernetics applied in research on guarantee mechanisms of government open data is demonstrated, and next we study on guarantee mechanisms from the perspective of cybernetics; Finally we build a social system of government open data. Based on the idea of cybernetics, we analyze the policy and law construction, the platform construction, the cooperation and implementation construction, and the supervision and feedback mechanism construction of guarantee mechanisms of government open data from three parts: controller, actuator and feedback. [Result/conclusion] Based on the composition of the control system we construct the flow chart. Taking government open data as control tasks and data management as control parameters of the guarantee system, we put forward the work flow of the support system in our country.
Key words: government data; data opening; guarantee mechanisms; cybernetics
Yue Lixin , Liu Wenyun . Research on Guarantee Mechanisms Construction of Domestic Government Open Data[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(19) : 40 -48,39 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.19.005
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