Decision-oriented Intelligence Service on the Diagnosis and Treatment of the “Urban Disease”

  • Li Gang ,
  • Li Yang
  • Center for the Studies of Information Resources of Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072

Received date: 2016-06-06

  Revised date: 2016-07-02

  Online published: 2016-07-20


[Purpose/significance] The construction of smart cities and the implementation of the big data strategy provide opportunities for the concept innovation of the diagnosis and treatment of the "urban disease". Under this background, the supporting function of the intelligence service in the decision-making processes for the diagnosis and treatment of the "urban disease" is becoming increasingly evident. Exploring the decision-oriented intelligence service on the diagnosis and treatment of the "urban disease" can give a comprehensive "plus diagnosis" of its problem to help city managers quickly find out the cause of issues and improve the social governance efficiency.[Method/process] Based on summing up the interrelated theory and research status of the "urban disease", this paper summarized the driving force of the intelligence service on the diagnosis and treatment of the "urban disease" at three levels:the macroscopic environment (the information environment), the medium resources (the big data strategy) and the users' requirements (decision-making requirements). Then, this paper discussed the organization structure and the operation mechanism of the intelligence service system, and pointed out that the intelligence service on the diagnosis and treatment of the "urban disease" was an engineering process which was interlinked, dynamic and cyclically progressive.[Result/conclusion] With the intervention of the intelligence service, the process of the diagnosis and treatment of the "urban disease" becomes more sophisticated, systematic and coordinated. Besides, it provides the valuable government decision-making reference for urban management. According to the engineering thinking of the intelligence service, the diagnosis and treatment of the "urban disease" can make a change from the passive "coping" to the initiative "service".

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Li Gang , Li Yang . Decision-oriented Intelligence Service on the Diagnosis and Treatment of the “Urban Disease”[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(14) : 121 -127 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.14.015


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