Library and Information Service >
Knowledge Fusion: from the Conceptual Understanding to the System Construction
Received date: 2016-04-20
Revised date: 2016-06-21
Online published: 2016-07-05
[Purpose/significance] Knowledge fusion is a concept that has been developing and changing with the technological and social environment, and can be applied in many fields. However, there are different views on the definitionof knowledge fusion. The study on the concept of knowledge fusion will contribute to the development of knowledge fusion research.[Method/process] Through the full investigation and analysis, this article absorbed previous research achievements and views at both theoretical and practical levels. On the one hand, it selected several typical knowledge fusion definitions from different periods and different areas, and extracted three key elements, including "fusion object", "fusion process" and "fusion results". On the other hand, it further clarified the research scope and boundary of knowledge fusion through the analysis of several typical knowledge fusion system architectures.[Result/conclusion] It proposes a relatively complete concept definition. It also decomposes the proposed knowledge fusion concept by the process.
Liu Xiaojuan , Li Guangjian , Hua bolin . Knowledge Fusion: from the Conceptual Understanding to the System Construction[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(13) : 13 -19,32 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.13.002
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