Survey and Analysis ofInstitute Data Asset Audit from “Data Asset Framework” Perspective

  • Wei Junchao ,
  • Yu Haiyan
  • 1. Department of Library, Information and Archives, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200244;
    2. Department of Information science, Business School, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241

Received date: 2016-02-25

  Revised date: 2016-04-05

  Online published: 2016-04-20


[Purpose/significance] With the fourth paradigm of data-intensive scientific discovery is emerging, institute data asset audit has been an important prerequisite for data-intensive scientific discovery. By the survey of institute data asset audit based on "Data Asset Framework" on abroad, to provide a reference for the research data management in home.[Method/process] This paper analyzed the JISC-funded Data Asset Framework(DAF) and the practice of overseas universities based DAF by literature research and web-based survey, then analyzed the characteristics、audit steps and experiences and lessons learned of institute data asset audit based on "Data Asset Framework". Finally, proposes specific measures for institute data asset audit in home.[Result/conclusion] DAF is a universal and systematically framework. Institute data asset audit based on "Data Asset Framework" could completely find out data asset. DAF give the direction、standardize the data asset audit、prevent errors and miss asset information for institute data asset audit in home.

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Wei Junchao , Yu Haiyan . Survey and Analysis ofInstitute Data Asset Audit from “Data Asset Framework” Perspective[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(8) : 59 -67,92 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.08.006


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