[Purpose/significance] This paper studies constructing a provenance management framework for long-term preservation system, to ensure the authenticity, reliabilityand usability of data objects archived in the long-term preservation system by effectively managing provenance information.[Method/process] It makes the definition of provenance event based on the preservation lifestyle of digital objects, designs a provenance management framework according to the preservation flow of OAIS, and accomplishes the design of the management function model and provenance information model based on the event-centric.[Result/conclusion] The provenance management framework for long-term preservation system, which not only follows the relevant standards of long-term preservation but also takes into account the needs of practice, has a universality and feasibility for long-term preservation system, but still has a space for verification of effectiveness and practicability.
Wu Zhenxin
Li Wenyan
Jiang Shiyin
. Construction of a Provenance Management Framework for Long-term Preservation System Based on the Event-centric[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(6)
: 91
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.06.014
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