[Purpose/significance] Altmetrics is the complement to traditional bibliometrics, while its relative theory and practice is still at its early stage. This paper hopes to summarize and analyze the issues concerning its data quality and reliability.[Method/process] The paper briefly introduces the development of altmetrics tools, systematically summarizes its basic and aggregated tools, and discusses the relevant issues.[Result/conclusion] It summarizes four aspects issues of altmetrics tools, including coverage and intensity of data, tracking and collecting ways of data, analysis of context and demography, identifying and processing of data. It further suggests that altmetrics and ALM data should adhere to three principles of open, transparent and auditable.
Liu Chunli
. Development, Current Situation and Related Issues of Altmetrics Tools[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(5)
: 87
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.05.013
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