[Purpose/significance] As a new mode of literature acquisition, although PDA(patron-driven acquisition) is widely applied in some developed countries, many librarians are suspicious of the quality of the patron-driven books. This paper analyzes and evaluates the quality of the patron-driven books via interlibrary loan with the method of collection resource applicability, and proposes some suggestions to optimize the mode, making its application in our country to have more adaptability and the disadvantage to be more in controllable. [Method/process] This paper selects three PDA projects of America universities as cases according to the projects' nature, time span of implementation, evaluation method, and the perspective of the research question. Then it analyzes and evaluates the quality of the patron-driven books via interlibrary loan around the major issues from four aspects, which are the resource content, resource price, resource utilization, and librarians and readers' satisfaction. And lastly, this paper proposes some suggestions for our country to implement ILL PDA projects. [Result/conclusion] The intervention measures proposed in this paper from the angle of book quality evaluation are beneficial to the application of ILL PDA, expecting it to play more constructive role in the construction of library resources in our country.
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