[Purpose/significance] Based on knowledge equation and other related information science thought Brooks and quantitative methods, puts forward a value formula of competitive intelligence I[P]+ΔA=I[P+ΔP], which can be used to guide the enterprise competitive intelligence work.[Method/process] The formula is put forward on the basis of the evaluation index system of enterprise competitive intelligence work, and the introduction of Brooks mentioned some quantitative analysis of information science, quantitative analysis of some indicators as an example. Combined with knowledge equation describing object and definition of competitive intelligence value-added formula is further formulated.[Result/conclusion] The value formula of competitive intelligence can not only be used for the analysis of enterprise competitive intelligence work, but also describe the relationship between the enterprise competitive intelligence and intelligence competition capacity, evaluation of enterprise intelligence competition capacity also has a certain significance.
Xu Yiming
Zhao Jing
Zhou Xia
. A Formula and Parsing of Appreciation of Competitive Intelligence Based on Brookes's Information Science Thought[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016
, 60(2)
: 87
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.02.014
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