Implications of Maker Education Practices for Content Innovation of Library Information Literacy Education

  • Liu Shukai ,
  • Chen Dongmei ,
  • Luan Guannan
  • 1. CPC Party School of Yuncheng, Yuncheng 044000;
    2. Library of North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan 063009;
    3. Institute of Medical Information & Library, Beijing 100020

Received date: 2015-11-23

  Revised date: 2015-12-08

  Online published: 2016-01-05


[Purpose/significance] Maker movement's innovative thinking, hands-on practice, various new technologies and tools have important influence on education.And based on innovative educational idea such as STEM, the unique maker education thought and behavior appeared.This paper analyzes current practices of maker education and discusses implications of maker education practices for library information literacy education.[Method/process] This paper summarized and analyzed current practices of maker education of domestic and foreign institutions including governments, schools, research institutes, enterprises, non-profit organizations, and analyzed maker education's ideas and patterns.[Result/conclusion] Library information literacy education could absorb maker education into education content, which will promote the effective reform and sustained development of library information literacy education.

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Liu Shukai , Chen Dongmei , Luan Guannan . Implications of Maker Education Practices for Content Innovation of Library Information Literacy Education[J]. Library and Information Service, 2016 , 60(1) : 52 -55 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2016.01.008


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