Review on the Study of Library Evaluation

  • Gong Ping ,
  • Sun Yu ,
  • Du Hui ,
  • Jia Dongqin
  • 1. Business School of NanKai University, Tianjin 300071;
    2. Library of Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034;
    3. Qingdao Oceanshipping Mariners College, Qingdao 266071;
    4. Library of Tianjin Polytechnic University, Tianjin 300387

Received date: 2015-11-06

  Revised date: 2015-12-06

  Online published: 2015-12-20


[Purpose/significance] This study aims to summarize the research status of library evaluation, and to provide the basis and thinking from the international research for Chinese research.[Method/process] This paper comprehensively reviewed the domestic and foreign library evaluation researches from fiveaspects including the basic theory, the individual assessment, the comprehensive assessment, the assessment system and index, the assessment method, and put forward the future development direction of library evaluation.[Result/conclusion] In terms of research contents, the foreign evaluation is diversified, while the domestic evaluation is unitary. The focus of the foreign evaluation changes from performance to effect, and the domestic evaluation emphasizes input. As for the evaluation method, it tends to be comprehensive abroad, but we still mainly use the qualitative method. Besides, the international standard is adopted in the foreign evaluation, but the domestic evaluation index lacks standards and regulation. From the perspective of research types, lots of descriptions of introducing foreign evaluation methods and successful cases appear in the aspect of evaluation theory research, but the practical applied research is not fully made.

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Gong Ping , Sun Yu , Du Hui , Jia Dongqin . Review on the Study of Library Evaluation[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(24) : 123 -130,101 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.24.018


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