An Authorship Attribution Algorithm Based on Complex Network

  • Li Xiaojun ,
  • Liu Huailiang ,
  • Du Kun
  • School of Economy and Management, Xidian University, Xi'an 710126

Received date: 2015-08-16

  Revised date: 2015-09-02

  Online published: 2015-09-20


[Purpose/significance] Authorship analysis by means of textual features is an important task in text mining and linguistic studies.Tosolve the problem of low efficiency and high costs in authorship attribution using traditional method,complex networks theory has been employedto tackle this disputed problem.[Method/process] In this paper,some measurable quantities of word co-occurrence complex network of text has been for used for authorship characterization.Based on stylistics and the network features,the approach is defined for authorship identification bycomputing theauthors' stylefeatures similarity.[Result/conclusion] The authorship attribution algorithm based on complex network can use authors' style featureseffectively.The experimental results show high accuracy rate in authorship attribution and prove the validity of this method.

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Li Xiaojun , Liu Huailiang , Du Kun . An Authorship Attribution Algorithm Based on Complex Network[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(18) : 102 -107 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.18.016


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