The Links of Chinese Names Name Authority File with Wikipedia

  • Jia Junzhi ,
  • Xue Qiuhong
  • School of Economics and Management, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006

Received date: 2015-07-01

  Revised date: 2015-07-20

  Online published: 2015-08-20


[Purpose/significance]With the explosive growth of digital resources, the problem of the Personal Name Authority have become increasingly prominent, which focus on different identities of the same names, conflicts of different characters with the same name, changes of name identifies and so on,and the wealth of information of Wikipedia could help solve these problems.[Method/process]This paper discusses how to take advantage of the current Wikipedia to solve the above problems under the network environment, and focuses on Wikipedia interface MediaWiki API.Finally discusses the link of personal name authority file and Wikipedia from two aspects.The first method is to achieve links from name authority file to Wikipedia, and the second is to generate dynamic profile to provide the necessary source of the information for name authority files.[Result/conclusion]By effectively creating links Chinese name authority file with the Wikipedia to help identify and retrieve personal names.

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Jia Junzhi , Xue Qiuhong . The Links of Chinese Names Name Authority File with Wikipedia[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(16) : 129 -134 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.16.019


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