[Purpose/significance]Most researches on library knowledge transfer are carried out based on the local library in china.This paper investigates librarians from different kinds of libraries in different areas, and puts forward some proposals to promote libraries provide better knowledge transfer service and improve the effect of knowledge transfer.[Method/process]It designs questionnaire based on literature review, and investigates different types of librarians from 13 different libraries.Then it gets 6 factors of library knowledge transfer through factor analysis, maps a four quadrant diagram about the coefficient of each factor of all variables (weights) and the recognition of librarians (average variable score) with EXCEL.Finally it concludes the influence of every variable in different quadrant to library's knowledge transfer activities by comparative analysis.[Result/conclusion]It suggests that, in order to improve the effect of library knowledge transfer, library should continuously strengthen the understanding of the senior management personnel and improve the library status, increase its own stock of knowledge and strengthen the education to librarians and users, attach great importance to the network platform construction and strengthen it, develop the user requirements positively, encourage librarians to participate in the development of library management system, and establish effective knowledge transfer model based on the similar tasks.
Li Jingfeng
Wu Jiangbo
. Study on Influencing Factors of Library Knowledge Transfer Based on Librarians' Recognition[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015
, 59(16)
: 18
DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.16.003
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