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Research Review of "Science-technology Relationship" Research Methods: Highlights on Bibliometrics Method
Received date: 2015-04-17
Revised date: 2015-06-05
Online published: 2015-07-05
[Purpose/significance] "Science-technology relationship" is a hot research topic in information science recently, and bibliometrics method is common used in this area. This paper aims to review some main bibliometrics methods used in "science-technology relationship" research and give some suggestions to apply these methods better.[Method/process] Based on the review on definition of "science-technology relationship" and related research methods, this paper draws a systematic summary of application and research progress of three bibliometrics methods both at home and abroad, which include analysis of papers cited by patents, analysis of patents cited by papers and correlation analysis of the author and inventor. The theoretical basis, applied range and shortages of the three methods are compared comprehensively.[Result/conclusion] The three methods have different theoretical basis. They are applied in identifying technology fields which have strong relationship with scientific fields, identifying technology fields, countries and organizations that are cited most by scientific fields, and measuring scientific research activities of inventors and the partnership between universities and businesses. These methods also have some drawbacks respectively, for example, patents' citing motivations air not clear and patents' paper references are not standard; the amount of data is small, the analysis of subject and the research of influence mechanism of technology to science is not enough; the identification and match of inventors' names and authors' ones are difficult. Appropriate bibliometrics methods should be chose based on research questions and data features when doing "science-technology relationship" research and the problems of these methods should be solved.
Liu Xiaoling , Tan Zongying , Zhang Chaoxing . Research Review of "Science-technology Relationship" Research Methods: Highlights on Bibliometrics Method[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(13) : 142 -148 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.13.020
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