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Exploring of Word Segmentation for Fore-Qin Literature Based on the Domain Glossary of Sinological Index Series
Received date: 2015-05-12
Revised date: 2015-05-22
Online published: 2015-06-05
[Purpose/significance] With the rising of humanities computing, in order to more deeply and accurately mine the corresponding knowledge from the ancient classics, the Fore-Qin Literature is automatically segmented in this paper.[Method/process] Based on domain glossary of Zuo Commentary from the Sinological Index Series, the paper finishes the segmentation of Fore-Qin Literature on the corpus of train and test which consist of Zuo Commentary and Yanzi's Spring and Autum Annals by the conditional random fields which uses the feature template determined by the method of statistics and rules. [Result/conclusion] The segmentation models based on simple feature template, internal feature template and combined feature template are obtained under the framework of word segmentation for Fore-Qin Literature. The best F-measure of segmentation model reaches 97.47%, which has a great potential for popularization and application.In the processof constructing the model, the precision rate and recall rate of segmentation model are effectively enhanced by merging internal and external feature knowledge.
Huang Shuiqing , Wang Dongbo , He Lin . Exploring of Word Segmentation for Fore-Qin Literature Based on the Domain Glossary of Sinological Index Series[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(11) : 127 -133 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.11.018
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