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Study on the Rules of Zero Anaphora Resolution in Chinese Patent Literature
Received date: 2015-03-13
Revised date: 2015-04-20
Online published: 2015-05-05
[Purpose/significance] There is a huge number of patent documents, how users quickly and accurately grasp the knowledge is the key to optimize the patent service. The zero anaphora in Chinese patent literatures makes the automatic knowledge identification and extraction extremely difficult. Zero anaphora identification and resolution involves many technologies and particular resources, and there are still many problems unsolved. [Method/process] Under the guidance of Qualia Structure theory, semantic roles and Rhetorical Structure theory, this paper finds some rules for zero anaphora resolution. It develops a syntax and semantic roles labeling tool and a text annotation tool. And it constructs 4 kinds of libraries: ①"The library of qualia structure of patent verbs", in which the patent verbs are classified into 4 categories; ②"the library of the knowledge of argument structures", which is used to label patent verbs and argument structures; ③"the library of the rules of patent verbs argument structure ", which is used to analyze the antecedent of the zero anaphora; ④"The library of the rhetorical structure of zero anaphora", which is used to analyze the situation when "telic role" and "constitutive role" appears. Through the construction of the libraries, 5 rules for zero anaphora resolution are constructed. [Result/conclusion] Initial results have been successfully applied to automatically processing patent literatures in the field of automatic processing work.
Chin Wei , Qiao Xiaodong , Liu Yao , Qi Xiaoya . Study on the Rules of Zero Anaphora Resolution in Chinese Patent Literature[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(9) : 73 -79,142 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.09.011
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