Interdisciplinary Research Review

  • Xu Haiyun ,
  • Yin Chunxiao ,
  • GuoTing ,
  • Tan Xiao ,
  • Fang Shu
  • 1. Chengdu Branch of the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041;
    2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049;
    3. China Center for Information Industry Development, Beijing 100048

Received date: 2015-01-23

  Revised date: 2015-02-11

  Online published: 2015-03-05


[Purpose/significance] Interdisciplinary research is of great significance. Through an review and analysis to interdisciplinary research methods of measurement theory and practice, we try to probe the existing problems of current research on interdisciplinary and put forward the future research thoughts and contents.[Method/process] Through an analysis to the related literature of interdisciplinary, combining comprehensive analysis to the types and dynamics of interdisciplinarity, a selective analysis to the current interdisciplinarity measurement methods based on citation analysis was conducted.[Result/conclusion] The current interdisciplinary research can be put into macro and micro levels, and the main contents of the study including research on the types, the dymamics and the measurement indexes to interdisciplinary. We put the measurement properties of interdisciplinarity into diversity and cohesion, and put the measurement indicators into three types: diversity measurement indicators, cohesion measurement indicators and comprehensive measurement indicators and proceed further comparative analysis on the three types indicators. The existing interdisciplinarity measurement practice can be put into three types: the statistical measurement, the indicators based on the social networks analysis and the comprehensive measurement by a variety of indicators.

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Xu Haiyun , Yin Chunxiao , GuoTing , Tan Xiao , Fang Shu . Interdisciplinary Research Review[J]. Library and Information Service, 2015 , 59(5) : 119 -127 . DOI: 10.13266/j.issn.0252-3116.2015.05.019


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